New Delhi: Actor Saif Ali Khan, whose debut home production Agent Vinod failed to create magic at the Box Office, says he never considered the film as his dream project. The 41-year-old star was riding high on his solo project
before it's release, which also starred real-life girlfriend Kareena Kapoor.
"To be honest I didn't really look at 'Agent Vinod' as a dream or anything. It was a film which came with a lot of intellectual ideas. I wanted to bring a new facet of the actor in me which has played quite a few comic and romantic characters in the past.
"The idea was to play a hero of a different kind and produce a quality product. That's the kind of offering I wanted to come with," Saif told PTI. The actor, who has signed three films - "Race 2", "Cocktail" and "Judwaa 2", feels this is an exciting period in his career as he has many interesting projects in his hands.
"These are exciting times and there are quite a few interesting films that I would be kick-starting soon. 'Race 2' is turning out well and with Abbas-Mustan at the helm of affairs, it is going to be a stylish and fun affair.
"Then there is Judwaa 2' which is going to be quite a challenge as it gets me into an altogether different zone when compared to some of the films that I have done in the recent past. However, after letting my hair down in 'Pungi', I am confident that the audience will accept a different side of me," Saif said.
"Judwaa 2" is a sequel to the Salman Khan-starrer 1997 film.
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